Can you tell us about your book?
Love to! I’m sooo excited about this book as it’s been huge amounts of fun to write! A Cinderella Christmas is all about Lucy Tilley. She’s a shy dancer who’s been given the worst role in the Christmas pantomime. And not only is she mortified about having to shake her booty in an enormous foam cow costume, she has to do it in front of the guy she’s madly loopy for, the sexy TV star Ryan Aspall. Add in a diva of a Cinderella, some “interesting” theatre performances, the best Christmas party in town, and the career opportunity of a lifetime and...well nothing goes to plan does it?! And let’s just say someone is keeping a few secrets, and Lucy isn’t very good at keeping them!
What was your inspiration for A Cinderella Christmas?
I normally start with a simple concept and then it mushrooms from there. This book started with a cow! I was thinking of unusual jobs that people do over Christmas period, and the back of a panto cow topped my list of ridiculosity (I know that’s not a word, but it should be). I’d completely forgotten that I used to dance in pantomimes myself when I was younger. The human mind is a peculiar thing. My sub conscious clearly isn’t very “sub”. But those theatre memories certainly helped when I started writing the story.
What do you love most about the festive season?
The food! I even get excited about the sprouts! And I love the whole extended run up. The anticipation, the Christmas markets, the chocolate advent calendar, the Christmas parties, the mulled wine, the open fires, the snowflakes, the sense of good will, the snugly jumper with a picture of a reindeer on the front, hang on do I need to restrict my word count on this one...?
Do you have any Christmas traditions?
Santa always leaves a sock outside the bedroom door stuffed with goodies, although apparently Santa hasn’t heard of inflation. It’s been five pound coins at the bottom of that sock for years now. I need to have a word with him about quantitative easing and its effect on the economy.
What is your favourite Christmas song?
I love the old school classics. Bing Crosby’s White Christmas pops up in A Cinderella Christmas. And I love Eartha Kitt’s Santa Baby. Now there’s a woman who knew how to write a Christmas list!
And favourite Christmas film?
Can I have In Bruge please? Is that Christmassy enough? How about if we wrap Colin Farrell in a bow? Love that film, great casting! Did I mention Colin Farrell is in it?
What would you like to find under your Christmas tree this year?
I’ve wanted a puppy since I was about five! But I have two cats and I think they’d be mighty peeved off if I were to upset the ecosystem of our house! To be fair I’d settle for Colin Farrell in that bow. But I have a boyfriend who might be peeved off...uh oh, I’m going to end up with a Toblerone again aren’t I?!
Finally, what are you working on at the moment?
I’m writing my second full length novel. It’s about a girl who...oh goo... I can’t go into too much detail it’s not finished yet and sometimes my characters have a life of their own! I can’t wait to finish it. It’s funny. Well I think it’s funny, but then I’m highly biased and easily pleased!! I just need to keep writing books till one gets made into a film. Just so I can cast Colin Farrell in it, or Benedict Cumberbatch, or Gerard Butler, or Clooney, or Gosling, or...any suggestions let me know!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can find out more about Holly and her book on her website, Twitter and Facebook and A Cinderella Christmas is available on Amazon here
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