Fiona Delaney is stuck in a bit of a rut. She's convinced she is on a fast track to fully fledged mad cat lady like Doris at work. Her boyfriend is being a bit of a useless oaf as well. Then, Regional manager Juliet aka Wicked Witch of The West Midlands arrives on the scene at work making Fiona's life hell. Fiona really needs a break so when an opportunity arises to spend a weekend glamping with her friends, she agrees. But it’s not quite the luxurious experience she was hoping for…
What was your inspiration for Five Go Glamping?
The idea came for when I saw a competition asking writers to submit the first 5000 words of a novel. I didn’t think I could ever write a novel, I hadn’t written any fiction since school, but 5000 words seemed just about doable. I wanted something I would love to read myself and would appeal to lots of people. I wanted combine the sense of adventure in the books I read as a child and put that in a chick lit setting and I thought lots of people would like that and the title Five Go Glamping just kind of popped into my head.
What has been your greatest experience of being a published writer so far?
The most exciting part so far was seeing the cover. It was incredible. I thought it was so beautiful and I could not stop looking at it. For me, it represented the point when what had previously been thoughts in my head, became something just that little bit more tangible. I finally realised I had written a book and it was going to be published.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
I would say, whatever stage you are at, keep going. Do at least one task a week which will help you get closer to your goal, whether that be writing a 1000 words of your novel, editing a chapter, sending out a submission or researching how to format your novel to publish it yourself. Just keep going.
What was the first book you ever bought yourself?
I used to spend all my pocket on Enid Blyton books and I loved the Puffin book club at school, but I can’t really remember the very first. I do have a memory of buying Gobbolino the Witches Cat from a second hand bookshop on holiday. I can’t remember the rest of the holiday - I must have been too engrossed in the book.
What was the last book you read?
I read Joey Essex from TOWIE’s biography, “Being Reem”. It’s hysterically funny which I was expecting but also it’s really, really sad as he talks about losing his mother at an early age. It’s quite the sobfest.
Finally, what are you working on at the moment?
My second book is almost done and it’s inspired by some of my favourite films. And these films are LOTS of other people’s favourite films too, so I’m pretty excited about it and can’t wait to share more.
Thanks for having me on your blog, Jennifer!
Liz Tipping writes romantic comedy.
As well as reading and writing novels, Liz enjoys John Hughes films, science fiction box sets, reality television, Irish sausages and ginger beer.
Her debut novel Five Go Glamping is published by Carina and she is represented by Juliet Mushens.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LizziesBooks
Twitter: @LizTipping https://twitter.com/LizTipping
Website: liztipping.com http://liztipping.com/
Blog: http://fivegoglamping.blogspot.com

Glamping Check list
Festival tickets
Double check best Instagram filter
Avoid thinking about work/Connor/five year plan!!
A four day break from her hectic life to relax in the countryside and hang out at a local festival (for free!) is just what Fiona Delaney needs. With her best friends, great tunes and a cool looking hat her Instagram shots are going to look A-Mazing!
Until suddenly glamping starts to feel a lot more like camping and Fiona’s in desperate search of a comfy chair, wi-fi and a chilled glass of wine. But when she finally makes it to the local pub she discovers this trip could be more than just a holiday, it might just change her life forever…
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