We're in Week 3 of NaNoWriMo 2022. This time next week there'll be a rush to get those final words down, but how's it going so far?
I started Week 3 at 36,448 words, which I'm really pleased with and I'm starting to believe I can actually reach the 50,000 words by the end of November. I think it'll be tight, but I'm going to do my best to get there. But even if I don't reach it, I'll still have loved taking part in this year's Nano because I lost my confidence a bit with writing last year, especially when I didn't do as well as I'd hoped during Nano. But this year's Nano has shown me that I can do this. I can write in between all the other stuff that life throws at us, and I'm so grateful that I can physically write as a few months ago it wasn't really possible (a blog post took me three days to put together, a little bit at a time) as I was ill and my hands were so messed up. So whatever my Nano word count is, I'll be happy.
I didn't manage to get to this week's in-person write-in at the library, but there's an online meet-up tomorrow that I'm looking forward to attending. Hopefully I'll get some extra words down!
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